Jane Marriott UK Commissioner fosters Unity & Peace through an Interfaith Iftar in Pakistan


By Adnan Hameed

In a resounding celebration of Pakistan’s diverse cultural tapestry, British High Commissioner Jane Marriott CMG OBE hosted a landmark Interfaith Iftar dinner at the British High Commission on Thursday, 28 March 2024. This significant event brought together over 80 esteemed representatives from 12 different faith communities across Pakistan, underscoring the country’s commitment to fostering harmony and understanding among its multi-faith populace.


The gathering, graced by notable figures including religious leaders and heritage experts dedicated to preserving Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage, served as a platform for meaningful dialogue on themes of tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion. Participants broke bread together, symbolizing the spirit of unity and shared humanity that transcends religious divides.


Highlighting the importance of such initiatives, High Commissioner Jane Marriott remarked, “Today’s interfaith Iftar was a wonderful reminder of the unity inherent in Pakistan’s diversity. Pakistan stands as a beacon of pluralism, and through coming together, we reaffirm our collective commitment to peace and harmony.”


Guest of Honor, Minister for Human Rights, Azam Nazeer Tarar, emphasized Pakistan’s pride in its rich cultural and religious traditions, recognizing freedom of belief and interfaith harmony as pillars of the nation’s democratic fabric. “I commend the British High Commission for spearheading this meaningful endeavor, which unites leaders of diverse faiths in a shared vision for a harmonious society. We eagerly anticipate closer collaboration with the United Kingdom in fostering mutual understanding and respect,” Minister Tarar stated.


The event also witnessed the participation of esteemed guests such as Admiral Ravindra C Wijegunaratne, High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Pakistan, representing the Buddhist community, and Dr. Saveera Prakash, trailblazing as the first Hindu woman to contest elections in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, who shared her insights on the importance of interfaith harmony.


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