Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman Appointed & Assumed the Charge of Vice Chancellor PMAS-AAUR


By The World Ambassador

Prof. Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman, Professor and Precision Agriculture Research Chair, Engineering Department Faculty of Agriculture Dalhousie University Canada has appointed as Vice Chancellor of Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PMAS-AAUR), and assumed his office, here on Monday, says press note.


The Governor Punjab/Chancellor of the PMAS-AAUR, on Monday appointed Prof. Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman as Vice-Chancellor of the varsity. Earlier, Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman also served as the Vice Chancellor of PMAS-AAUR from 2019 to 2022. During his period, the PMAS-AAUR not only was listed in the best universities of the globe in the field of agriculture but also emerged as a hub of research, agriculture and academic activities.


Dr. Zaman joined Dalhousie University Canada as Associate Professor in 2010 and was appointed as professor in 2014. He also served Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Truro Canada as Machinery Systems Research Chair/Assistant Professor, University of Agricultural and Technology Japan as JSPS-NSERC Research Fellow, University of Florida USA as Post-Doctoral Fellow and University of Agriculture Faisalabad as Assistant Professor, lecturer and Research Officer.


Prof. Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman has a remarkable academic career throughout his education. He got a JSPS-NSERC Research Fellow in Precision Agriculture (PA) from Tokyo University of Agri and Tech. Japan, Post-Doctoral Fellow from PA University of Florida USA, Doctorate Degree from PA University of Newcastle upon Tyne UK and BSC & MSC degree in Agri. Engineering from University of Agriculture Faisalabad.


Dr. Qamar is also recipient of the prestigious Glenn Downing Award in 2014 by the Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE/SCGAB) in recognition of outstanding work in industry, teaching, research and extension in the area of machinery systems. He also received an award in 2015 from University of Florida in recognition of outstanding contributions in the development of variable rate sprayer system and method of variably applying agrochemicals.


He is author of two chapters of two different books and also has a credit of two patents Zaman, Q. U., Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann. 2013. “Variable rate sprayer system and method of variably applying agrochemicals”. US Patent Publication No. 8488874 B2 and Zaman, Q. U., Y. K. Chang, A. W. Schumann. 2014. “Variable rate sprayer system and method of variably applying agrochemicals”. Canadian Patent No. 2,740,503 C.


He is author of more than 200 research publications including research papers, review & popular articles, extension bulletins, technical reports and has supervised a large number of graduate students and researchers. He also served as referee to review research projects, books, articles, research papers, for various journals / organizations.


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