Speaker NA Ayaz Sadiq Highlights Unwavering Commitment to CPEC at Pakistan-China Consultative Meeting


By Abid Chaudhry

The Speaker of National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq has said that CPEC not only transformed Pakistan’s infrastructure landscape but also significantly contributed to its socio-economic development. All political parties of Pakistan speak with one voice in complete solidarity with CPEC as a ‘Game Changer’.The bond between the people of the two nations has successfully withstood the test of time.He expressed these views while addressing the event “Pakistan-China Political Parties Forum and the 3rd Meeting of CPEC Political Parties Joint Consultation Mechanism” in Islamabad.


According to the press note, the Speaker underscored that China and Pakistan have always held each other’s hands and shown the world that both nations stand together as one in peace and prosperity, and tragedy and turmoil. The Speaker added, “This “all-weather friendship” bears testimony to the age-old Chinese saying: A friend — one soul, two bodies.”


While reflecting on the historic visit of President Xi Jinping to Pakistan in 2015, he said it was a defining moment for this Region as agreements worth 46 billion dollars were signed on the occasion. He also reminded that on that very occasion President Xi and Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, jointly inaugurated the first-ever complete GREEN PARLIAMENT of the world, converting the energy needs of the Parliament of Pakistan to solar energy. The unique project symbolizes the sincere desire of our two nations to work jointly for a brighter, cleaner, and safer future, he added.


Further, mentioning continuous collaboration between the parliaments of two countries, the Speaker said that the Parliaments of Pakistan and China enjoy an all-weather partnership, mutual trust, and practical cooperation. He said that during his last tenure as Speaker of the National Assembly, he had the privilege of leading parliamentary delegations to China twice on the invitation of the Chairman of the National People’s Congress. These exchanges paved the way for deeper bilateral ties and facilitated the implementation of CPEC projects through parliamentary oversight as both nations have actively stood by each other on every international and regional parliamentary forum such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and Speakers’ Conference, promoting shared interests, sovereignty, and stability, he added.


Sardar Ayaz Sadiq shared that during his previous tenure as Speaker, the National Assembly of Pakistan had the privilege of hosting the first-ever Speakers’ Conference on “Regional Connectivity and Countering Violent Extremism”, comprising of countries that included Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey.


He also mentioned the Parliamentary Committee on CPEC ensured vigilant oversight of the government and followed up on the progress of the projects under CPEC through regular reporting to the Parliament of Pakistan.


The Speaker in the conclusion of his address reaffirmed the resolve of the Parliament, Government, and people of Pakistan to build on past successes and in ensuring that CPEC reaches its full potential.


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