Palestine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Rejects Israeli Imposition of Taxes on Churches in Occupied Jerusalem


By News Desk


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine unequivocally condemns the recent actions by Israel, the illegal occupying power, to impose taxes on churches, their institutions, and properties in the occupied city of Jerusalem through its so-called “occupation municipalities”. These actions are a blatant violation of international law and the city’s historical and legal “Status Quo”.


Israel’s imposition of these taxes is illegal. Israel as an occupying power has no sovereignty over Jerusalem. Sovereignty over Jerusalem belongs exclusively to the Palestinian people and their legitimate leadership. These unlawful measures are perceived as part of a broader strategy of extermination and ethnic cleansing that Israel is practising against all the Palestinian People, particularly targeting the authentic Palestinian Christian presence in the Holy Land, most notably in Jerusalem.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates issues a stern warning about Israel’s targeting of the Christian presence, which includes systematic persecution and attacks against Palestinian Christians and clergy. This deliberate targeting aims to undermine the authentic Palestinian Christian presence and transform the political conflict with the presence of an illegal occupation, into a religious one.


We express our deep appreciation for the principled and courageous positions taken by the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches who have rejected these illegal measures. Their steadfastness is a beacon of hope and resistance against these oppressive policies. We call upon all countries to support the positions of the churches and the State of Palestine and to intervene to halt these serious violations of international law, UN Security Council resolutions, and the historical and legal Status Quo.


The Ministry urges all states, institutions, and international organizations, including Christian and human rights institutions, to send a clear message to Israel to cease targeting churches and their properties. We call for the consideration of punitive measures against these provocative and illegal practices. Countries must align their actions with their principles in protecting the authentic Christian presence in the Holy Land of Palestine.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates remains committed to defending the rights of the Palestinian people and the Christian community in Jerusalem and calls for global solidarity and action to uphold justice and international law.


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