France Backs Two-State Solution: Palestine Commends Macron’s Arms Export Freeze Proposal


By Web Desk

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine welcomes the statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron yesterday, Saturday, in which he stressed the need to stop arms exports to Israel during its war on the Gaza Strip, and indicated that the priority today should focus on finding a political solution to end the conflict.


The Ministry considers that President Macron’s statements are fully consistent with international law and international legitimacy resolutions and support the two-state solution and human rights principles. At the same time, the Ministry calls on countries that still support Israel in its war to respect and implement international law and pressure Israel, the illegal occupying authority, to end the war of genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem and Lebanon, and to force it to comply with international law and implement international legitimacy resolutions in a way that leads to ending the occupation and settlement of the land of the State of Palestine based on the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to adopt the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.


The Ministry holds the countries that provide combat and warfare means to Israel responsible for encouraging it to continue its crimes and violations against the Palestinian people, and calls on the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty to act decisively to put an end to Israel’s use of weapons and military equipment to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law and human rights and against Palestinian civilians, by immediately imposing a comprehensive solution and an arms embargo on Israel, especially since the States Parties have pledged not to authorize any transfer of conventional weapons if they have knowledge of the use of weapons or their types in committing genocide, crimes against humanity and serious violations of the Geneva Conventions.


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